New Forest Weather

Latitude N 50° 54′ 29″ Longitude W 01° 30′ 29″ Elevation 9 m
welcome to Ashurst Bridge in Hampshire, situated on the edge of the New Forest National Park  west of Southampton. The weather station is a Davis Vantage Pro Plus feeding live data every 5 seconds 24/7. Ecowitt sensors for lightning and soil temp/moisture. SDS011 sensor for air quality. The meteorological day ends at 09.00 GMT (10.00 BST).

Nowcast: Unsettled, rain later

Conditions at local time: 14:29 on 15 February 2025   

Temperature and Humidity
Temperature 8.0°C Dew Point  3.8°C
Windchill  6.8°C Humidity 75 %
Heat Index  8.0°C Feels Like  6.8°C
Temp change last hour +0.2°C Cloudbase 1703 ft
Solar & Sunshine
Solar Radiation  151 W/m²Evapotranspiration Today  0.30mm
UV Index 0.5 Sunshine 0.0  hrs
Rainfall Today  0.0mm Rainfall Rate 0.0mm /hr
Rainfall This Month  10.6mmRainfall This Year  146.0mm
Rainfall Last Hour  0.0mmLast rainfall 2025-02-10 04:09
Rainfall Since Midnight  0.0mmRainfall Last 24 Hours  0.0mm
Highest Gust last 10 mins  9mphWind Speed (avg) last 10 mins  5mph
Latest Bearing 144° Beaufort F 2 Light breeze
Dominant Direction SSE Windrun  20.3miles
Barometer   1016.2mb Falling slowly -0.4mb  /hr
Lightning (Up to 25mls) Strikes Today: 0
Last Strike: 27 January 2025 at 19:17:25 Distance : 3.7 miles
Soil Temperature (30cm) 5.7 °C
Soil Moisture (Bare Soil) 36 %
Maximum Temperature 8.2°C 14:06 7.3°C 13:03
Minimum Temperature 5.6°C 09:00 3.7°C 09:00
Maximum UV Index 0.6 11:53 1.3 12:58
Wind Gust 12mph 13:32 20mph 09:58
Wind Speed (10 min average) 5mphF2  12:36 10mphF2  13:26
AlmanacThere will be 3min 43s more daylight tomorrow
Dawn: 06:44 Dusk: 17:57 Daylight: 11:13 hours
Sunrise: 07:18 Sunset: 17:23 Day length: 10:04 hours
Moonrise: 20:48 Moonset: 08:20 Moon PhasePhase: Waning Gibbous


Meteogram - 5 days - Ashurst

Wind and Tide forecasts for Lymington, Beaulieu and Cowes