- Site: New Forest Weather opened on its current semi rural site near Ashurst in November 2014, having relocated from nearby West Totton.
- Equipment: The personal weather station consists of a Davis Vantage Pro 2 Plus with UV and Solar sensors. The rain collector was upgraded in 2017 to the latest Aerocone style, more accurate due to improved airflow in windy weather. The associated wireless anenometer is mounted at approximately 7m height on the garage roof.
- An Instromet Sunshine Sensor was added in May 2019 with associated data logger.
- Davis Daytime FARS (Fan Aspirated Radiation Shield) fitted Feb 2020 to station to improve accuracy of daytime temperature readings. Solar powered fan fitted within shielding louvres draws air through to improve ventilation around temp/humidity sensor.
- Live and updated images are provided 24 hours a day by a Foscam 19900p. webcam.
- Air Quality module built using a Nova SDS sensor and fitted outside in June 2020. Updates every 2 minutes.
- Data is collated via a Davis Vantage Vue console, processed using Cumulus software and uploaded in real time.
- Weather networks supplied include : Weather Underground, Met Office WOW, UK Weather Network, PWS Weather, Weathercloud, AWEKAS, CWOP
- Climate data supplied to Climate Observers Link and included in monthly and annual reports.
- Credits: Sun/moon/uv and Tide/Wind widgets courtesy of https://www.willyweather.co.uk
- Forecast maps from https://www.windy.com and https://maps.darksky.net/
- PWS Dashboard originally designed by Brian Underwood at https://www.weather34.com
- Currently running Cumulus v3.8.3 Build 3093.
- Davis Vantage Pro 2 supplied by Prodata https://www.weatherstations.co.uk/. Excellent advice on choosing a weather station and support.
- Thanks to Adrian at https://www.instromet.co.uk for ongoing support and advice with setting up the sun sensor.
- Useful links:
- Quality weather stations in the surrounding area: Wessex Weather and Wareham Weather
- Computer forecast charts and models: Wetterzentrale, wxcharts
- Weather discussion forums: The Weather Outlook and Netweather for UK. Cumulus specific For in depth weather station hardware and software: wxforum